春から夏にかけて、知床半島羅臼側の根室海峡で高い確率で観察できる。 知床半島ウトロ側ではほとんど見られない。 20-40頭の家族で行動する。 羅臼で見られるシャチは、魚の他にクジラ類も捕食する。
They are observed frequently in Nemuro Strait near Rausu in spring and
summer, but quite rare in Utoro side of Shiretoko. They make big family
groups of 20-40 and hunt fishes and whales together.

羅臼港から出航する観光船が最も確実にシャチに出会う方法。 シャチは集団での狩りと休憩を数時間の周期で繰り返す。 休憩時に出会うことができると、観光船の周りでスパイホップをしたりジャンプしたり、船の下をくぐる遊び行動が見られる。 通常は2時間半のクルーズだが、こうした行動を高い確率で見たい場合には4時間以上の長めのクルーズがお勧め。
The best way to meet Orca is to get on a tour boat from Rausu. Orca repeat
hunting and play time in several ours. If you could meet their play time,
you will see spy hope, jump and swimming under the boat. Duration of regular
tour boat is 2.5 hours. If you want to see these behaviors with higher
possibility, we recommend you choose longer cruses, such as 4 or 6 hours.

Orca moves quick and come out from any direction of boat. They often come up quite close to the boat. The best lens would be handheld 70-300mm or 70-400mm. If your lens is 100-400mm or 150-600mm, you may want to prepare another body with 50-80mm. Long prime lens like 600mm will limit your capability of photography.